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Book Vaccination/Vitamin B12 Injection

Use this form to book a time for a vaccination or Vitamin B12 injection. Note that you will need to wait in the pharmacy for 20 minutes after your vaccination/injection.

Vaccinations can also be booked online though the government portal at (choose Maungatapu Pharmacy from the list of providers).

Vaccinations available are:

  • Flu Vaccine - Free for age 65+ and those with certain chronic health conditions. $35 if not eligible for government funding (please check with the Pharmacist to see if you are eligible for government funding).
  • Whooping Cough/Tetanus Vaccine - only available for patients who are eligible for a funded vaccine (you can check eligibility here or please discuss with the Pharmacist if unsure).
  • Shingles Vaccine - Free if administered between 65th and 66th birthday. This vaccination requires 2 doses to be given at least 2 months apart.
  • Meningiococcal Vaccines (2 separate vaccines) - Free for students aged 16-25 in their first year living in group accommodation (eg. halls of residence/boarding school hostels).
  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella Vaccine - free for anyone born after 1st January 1969 who has not had 2 previous doses. Check with the pharmacist if you are unsure how many doses you may have had.
  • HPV Vaccine - free for anyone aged 9-26 years. This vaccination requires 2 doses if aged under 15 years, or 3 doses for ages 15-26, given over a period of 6 months. HPV vaccination is important for young people as the HPV virus can cause a number of different cancers later in life.

The Pharmacist Vaccinator will address any questions you may have about the vaccine, and go through a pre-vaccination checklist with you before your vaccination to make sure  there is no reason you should not have it.

Please indicate which product you wish to receive in the comments area when making your booking: 

  • Flu Vaccine
  • Whooping Cough/Tetanus/Diptheria Combined Vaccine
  • Shingles Vaccine
  • Meningiococcal Vaccines
  • Measles/Munps/Rubella Combined Vaccine
  • HPV Vaccine
  • Vitamin B12 Injection - Cost $15 (injection administration only). The Vitamin B12 ampoule must be prescribed by your doctor.

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